Bold and the Beautiful

Today on General Hospital, Mac is moved when he witnesses Cody save James, Laura gets a call about Lulu, and Jason gets to the pharmacist, who confesses all about Sonny’s meds.

 Today on General Hospital, Mac is moved when he witnesses Cody save James, Laura gets a call about Lulu, and Jason gets to the pharmacist, who confesses all about Sonny’s meds.

Cates makes an arrest gH

Credit: ABC screenshot

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At the boathouse, Mac arrives as Cody pulls James out of the water. Mac asks James if he is okay. James says, “Cody saved me!” Mac says he can see that.

Cody and James hug GH

Sasha, Maxie and Felicia arrive. Maxie hugs her son and tells him he can’t keep running away. She asks her mom to text Spinelli to let him know James is safe. James explains he wouldn’t have run away if he got to keep taking lessons with Cody. Maxie says that he can take lessons, but he’s grounded for two weeks. James asks why she changed her mind. Maxie says she made a mistake forbidding him from seeing Cody. Mac interrupts and says, “It wasn’t your mom’s mistake, it was mine.”

MAxie is relieved GH

Mac tells James that his feelings were hurt and he was angry, so he took it out on Cody. However, that only hurt James in the process. James asks his grandfather why he was mad at Cody. Mac tells James that Cody is his son. James asks, “Does that make Cody my uncle?”

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MAc explains all to James GH

James looks over at Cody, who says it does. James thinks this is cool. He asks his mom if that means Cody is her brother, and she says yes. James asks Mac why this made him mad. Mac explains that he only just found out that Cody is his son, but it reminded him that family always forgives and loves one another, even if they are mad at each other.

Cody and Sasha look happy GH

James hugs Cody and welcomes him to the family. Maxie hugs Mac and says she’s proud of him. Maxie thanks Cody, and she and the boy leave to get James into dry clothes.

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Mac tells Cody his gratitude towards him knows no bounds. Cody jokes he sounds like Spinelli, the son he never had. Mac says he has a son, and Cody says he has a dad. They embrace.

Mac and Cody GH

Cody and Sasha return to the stables. She asks if he is okay. Cody can’t stop thinking: What if he didn’t get to the boathouse in time? Sasha says she got there, he saved James, and something beautiful came out of it. He says, “I got a father.” She notes, “You got a whole family.” She asks how it feels. He admits it’s like nothing he’s ever felt until now. Sasha and Cody passionately kiss.

Back at the boathouse docks, Felicia asks Mac if he’s happy. He is, and says she was right. She laughs she’s always right! They kiss.

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Anna arrives at Laura’s office, per her invite. Laura explains they have a meeting with the new WSB station chief. Laura knows she recently arrested him. Anna explains Brennan’s been acquitted and is now a fully accredited agent again, and they’ll likely get no more explanation on that from the WSB.

Anna vents about Cates GH

Brennan arrives, and Laura explains that she arranged this meeting because they all have common interests. Laura cuts to the chase and thinks they have a unique opportunity here with Anna and Brennan’s shared history and skill sets. She wants them to locate Valentin Cassadine.

Brennan meets with Laura GH

Anna says the FBI is looking for him, and this is beyond her reach. Brennan notes that the WSB tries not to interfere with the FBI’s cases. Laura is concerned because Valentin has her granddaughter. Anna reassures her that Valentin would never put Charlotte in danger. They are interrupted when Laura gets a call. Something has come up, and she excuses herself for a moment.

LAura Anna Brennan GH

Once alone, Anna accuses Brennan of hiding Valentin. He says she has no proof and that she could always confess to Laura that she helped Valentin escape. Laura returns and wonders what she missed. Brennan says they were talking about jurisdictions. He says he needs to be going. However, he’d love to meet with Laura and hear some of her stories as her reputation precedes her.

LAura request GH

Brennan departs, and Laura notes Brennan is charming, which concerns her. She wonders if Brennan already knows where Valentin is. Suddenly, Laura gets a call and is shocked. She says she’ll be there right away. Anna asks if everything is okay. Laura reveals, “It’s Lulu…”

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At the hospital, Alexis helps Kristina get dressed as she’s being discharged. Kristina knows she’s not in a good mood, and instead of being happy to leave, she has realized walking out the door means her life starts over again, but without her baby.

Alexis talks with Kristina GH

Alexis offers Kristina a key to her place to give to Blaze so she can visit. Kristina thanks her mom but says it’s unnecessary. Kristina explains that Alison went on tour, and she pushed her to go as she is not in a good place and can’t be anything to anyone. Alexis says she’s something pretty big to her.

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Dr. Navarro enters with the results of Kristina’s discharge examination. She says so far, her uterus and ovaries look good, and she should make a full recovery. She sees no reason she can’t have a child in the future.

Dr. NAvaro results GH

Dr. Navarro leaves, and Kristina wonders what “full recovery” means. Alexis says it means her body will heal. Kristina asks, “What about the rest of me?” Alexis says that will take time, but her heart will get better too.

Alexis Kristina NAvaro GH

Curtis and Stella chat in a meeting room. He thanks Stella for walking them through the paperwork to plan a baby’s funeral. Stella wants to help TJ and Molly in any way she can. Stella has most of it handled. Now, it’s just the birth certificate that needs to be finalized.

Curtis and Stella GH

TJ arrives and finds out that Molly isn’t here yet. He says Molly can catch up, and they should get started. Stella explains that they need a name for the birth certificate, but TJ says they never landed on one. Stella suggests they just use Lansing-Ashford for now.

Molly soon arrives and apologizes for being late as she had a meeting with her boss. Molly is brought up to speed, and TJ feels they still need to name their baby. Stella says they can use their last names and decide on a name later. She explains her sister Irene always had a knack for being the calm in the storm, and she’d say that life goes on, even in the face of the most difficult of tragedies. She says it’s so important for couples going through something this profound to hold onto one another. Stella and Curtis leave to give them a moment alone.

TJ and Molly GH

TJ has issues with Molly being late. Molly tells TJ she’s been trying to throw herself into her work to forget, but nothing helps. She says she even confronted Ava, who wouldn’t confess, and even if she did, their baby is still gone.

Molly and tJ talk GH

Back in Kristina’s room, Alexis hoped Molly would be here today. She asks if Kristina has seen Molly lately. Kristina has, and she tells her about their visit and how she recounted what happened between her and Ava. She says Molly was appalled and furious, especially after seeing the photos.

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Scott meets with Clement in a warehouse and tells him he’s here to help him escape Sonny, who probably wants him dead. He tells Clement that he’ll get them some snacks as they are taking a ride out to Spoon Island.

Scott meets with Clement GH

At her gallery, Cates tells Ava they can spin the story in those photos any way they want, especially when the victim is a federal witness. She reminds him only one person went through the window. Cates tells her to hear him out, the photos show her defending herself from Kristina attacking her. Also, it is clear Kristina was in a rage, it is written all over her face. He suggests Kristina came there that day to shut Ava up permanently, which is a criminal conspiracy to protect her father and attempted murder.

Ava is worried GH

At Sonny’s place, Jason warns Sonny that if he kills Cates, there will be no coming back from taking out an FBI agent. Sonny feels he’ll have no choice if Jagger forces his hand. Sonny knows Jagger won’t stop going through the people he loves to get to him, and he won’t wait for him to make the next move.

JAson warns Sonny GH

Jason gets a call from Brick, and relays that Scott has gone to a part of town he shouldn’t be in. Sonny assumes Scott went after the pharmacist and asks Jason to bring Clement to him. He needs to get to General Hospital as Kristina’s being discharged.

Jason gets news GH

Jason arrives at the warehouse and finds Clement before Scotty can get back to him. Scott drops the bag of snacks he brought and runs. Clement asks if Jason is with the FBI. Jason states he works for Sonny. Clement promises to do whatever they want, crying he has a family and wants to live. Jason asks who paid him to tamper with Sonny’s meds. Was it Ava?

Jason and the pharmacist GH

Clement explains he had interactions with Ava, and somehow, she found out Sonny was getting only a fraction of his medications. He admits she later told him to reduce it to zero. Jason wants the name of who initially paid him to tamper with the meds. Clement finally confesses it was Valentin Cassadine.

Back at the gallery, Scott calls Cates and informs him that Jason has Clement. Ava is irate as she’ll be Sonny’s next stop. Cates says not if he has anything to say. He orders Ava to stay here and walks out.

Cates has a plan GH

Sonny arrives at the hospital. Alexis is still with Kristina, and he asks if she’s ready to leave. Kristina asks her mom for a seltzer so she can have a moment with her dad. Alexis leaves, and Sonny asks how she’s feeling. Kristina wants an update on Ava. Sonny says Ava is alive, and it’s going to stay that way. He explains that eliminating Ava is not the only way to balance the scales. Kristina wants her dead. Sonny tells Kristina to trust him as he doesn’t want Ava’s death on her heart or her conscience.

Kristina wants Ava to pay GH

In the halls, Curtis tells Stella he thinks she’s helped bring TJ and Molly back together. Stella just hopes TJ and Molly remember why they fell in love, and why they’ve stayed together. When they learn to lean on and support one another, that’s when the healing begins.

Curtis and Stella GH

Elsewhere, Alexis runs into Molly. Alexis says Kristina is being released and assumes that’s why she’s there. Molly explains she came to see TJ and Stella to process the baby’s birth certificate. Molly states she must get back to the office. Alexis asks if she doesn’t want to say hello to Kristina. Molly doesn’t think that’s a good idea.

Molly and Alexis GH

They sit down, and Molly vents her baby died because Kristina had to confront Ava. Molly says if Kristina showed some restraint, then Kristina wouldn’t be here, and her baby would be alive. Alexis gets it, when tragedy occurs, you want to blame someone. Alexis says that sometimes there are no answers, you can’t logic your way out of it, and sometimes you just have to feel the grief. Alexis wishes she could make sense of this but advises her not to direct her grief at the person feeling the same way she is.

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TJ arrives at the gallery and tells Ava it was time they spoke. He has heard from Kristina how his child died, and now he wants to hear it from her. Ava says what happened was a terrible and tragic accident. She says she is sorry for his loss. TJ wants to know what happened. Ava explains that Kristina showed up at her suite angry that she’d been subpoenaed, she threatened her, and said if she didn’t withdrawal the subpoena, she’d be sorry. Kristina kept coming at her, and she tried not to engage. TJ asks if Ava is saying Kristina’s falling was her own fault.

Ava explains it to TJ GH

Back at the hospital, Alexis and Molly continue to talk when Sonny wheels Kristina out of her room. Suddenly, Cates arrives and announces that Kristina is under arrest!

Kristina gets arrested GH

Next on General Hospital, Cody and Sasha get passionate again, and he asks if this is okay with her. Violet and Tracy, dressed in riding gear, search the stables for someone. Molly tells Jordan she’s starting to think Ava isn’t responsible for Kristina’s fall. Laura tells Dante that something’s not right with Lulu. Jason asks Anna when they find Valentin if she’s going to warn him again. Cates tells Sonny, “I got the FBI behind me, what do you have?”

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