Hope Runs Into Finn — and Brooke Learns Steffy Threatened Her Daughter
Hope Runs Into Finn — and Brooke Learns Steffy Threatened Her Daughter

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At Forrester Creations, in the design office, Hope asks if Steffy has just threatened her. Steffy says it’s a warning. This isn’t a game… this is her life and her family. “Don’t ever think about crossing the line with my husband again, or your line is gone.” Hope sighs that what she did with Finn was inexcusable. Steffy corrects, “To Finn. What you did to Finn. Finn didn’t want any part of that kiss.” Hope has made many apologies. Steffy doesn’t need apologies, she needs her to not become Brooke 2.0. “Leave my husband alone!”
In the main office, Brooke wants to know if Ridge would have supported Steffy dumping Hope’s line. He says he’ll always support what’s best for the company. Taylor steps in and tells Brooke to just be happy and let her and Ridge carry out their duties. It’s not her place to question Steffy’s decisions. Brooke argues that she works there. The only person who shouldn’t be chiming in is her. Taylor is simply asking her to respect Steffy as co-CEO. Brooke reminds her she applauded her decision. But she’s back on the executive and Steffy needs to start respecting her and Hope.
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Ridge tells the women they all want the same thing; what is best for Steffy, what is best for Hope, and what is best for the company. Brooke gives Steffy kudos for not cutting Hope’s line. Taylor thinks Steffy showed enormous restraint given Hope kissed Finn. Brooke says Hope is remorseful and it won’t happen again. Taylor nods, “It better not.” She’s not convinced Hope has learned anything. Brooke says her daughter knows it was wrong. Taylor wonders if that’s enough to keep her from doing it again.
In his office, Finn sighs and puts his pen down. He looks at his wedding photo and flashes back to finding Steffy in the cage in Luna’s apartment and freeing her. He smiles thinking about their reunion. RJ knocks and comes in. Finn thanks him for coming by. He’s been concerned about him and wants to know how he’s doing after everything with Luna. RJ appreciates his concern. Rubbing his neck, he says he’s been trying to wrap his head around everything she did. Finn notes they may never be able to fully process Luna’s actions. RJ is just thankful Steffy wasn’t one of the people who died. Finn is glad he was able to get there in time. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to keep Steffy and the kids safe.
Finn recalls that he had a feeling Steffy needed him. He’s never had a bond with anyone like this before. RJ hopes to find something like that one day. Finn assures him he’ll find someone who deserves him. RJ’s going to focus on family and work, that’s it. Finn remarks on him being half-Logan and half-Forrester. RJ chuckles that it’s rough at work when they don’t get along. They’re both glad that Steffy didn’t cut Hope’s line. Finn has to believe that one day they’ll get past their differences and realize they have more in common than they realize. RJ hopes so. They shake hands and RJ leaves.
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In the design office, Brooke walks in on Steffy telling Hope not to kiss Finn again. Brooke exclaims, “This again? You really need to drop it, Steffy. Hope made a mistake. She crossed a boundary.” She said she’s sorry and Steffy should stop throwing it in her face. Steffy has learned over the years that when it comes to the Logans, words are just words. Hope wants to move past this. Brooke promises it will never happen again. Steffy asks how she can make promises on her daughter’s behalf. Brooke thinks they should just forget what happened at the party. Steffy says, “Absolutely not,” and warns Hope she’ll have her eyes on her. She walks out and Hope sighs that this is just another threat from Steffy.
Brooke gawps, “Steffy threatened you?!” Hope says that she thanked her for not dropping the line, but she then made it clear that if she does anything to make her think she’s coming onto her husband, then the line is dead. Brooke marvels, “She’s really holding onto this.” Hope scoffs about her waiting until she was alone to drop the bomb. Brooke notes that none of them are saying she shouldn’t be upset about what happened, but she can’t hold it over her and weaponize the kiss whenever it suits her. Hope has been paying the price for the kiss ever since that night. She’s grateful that she’s given the line another chance, but does there have to be strings attached? There is always a price to pay and she’s tired of it. Hope decides to leave and Brooke calls, “Hope, come on,” as she walks out.
In the main office, Steffy tells Ridge and Taylor that Hope’s line deserves another chance… Hope, on the other hand, she’s not so sure about. She’s sure she’ll fight to save the line, and she genuinely wants it to prosper. She knows she’s on board, “On one condition. Hope stays away from my husband.” Taylor smirks.
At Il Giardino, Finn is picking up takeout when Hope comes in looking for her dad. He says he hasn’t seen Deacon, and adds that he called ahead to make sure Sheila wasn’t working today. Finn tells her he checked in with RJ today, and is sure he’ll be OK. Talk turns to the meeting. He’s surprised she isn’t more excited and notes she seems stressed. “Are you OK, Hope?”
In the main office, Ridge tells Steffy he can’t blame her. Taylor agrees; she had every right to put Hope on notice. Steffy thinks she’s turning into her mother. Taylor clarifies that it’s not a compliment. Ridge gets it. He thinks maybe Hope just made a mistake and it’s forgivable. Taylor thinks Steffy has shown her grace. It’s a clear case of fighting so hard not to become her mother that she’s slowly turning into Brooke. Ridge thinks they should give her the benefit of the doubt. Steffy will be pleasantly surprised if she stays away from Finn. Ridge is sure she will.
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At Il Giardino, Finn asks Hope, “What’s the problem?” She flashes to Steffy warning her and tells him it’s best if they don’t spend time together. He still doesn’t understand why she kissed him. Was she lashing out at Steffy? Hope doesn’t know, but she cares about him too much. Finn just wants them to get along. They’re both strong, accomplished, beautiful women. Finn’s takeout arrives and Hope learns he’s buying lunch for the nurses at work. He tells Hope he wishes her the best and leaves. Hope watches him walk out and flashes to him telling her he’ll always be there for her and massaging her temples. She remembers them hugging at Deacon’s and looks wistful.
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Next on The Bold and the Beautiful: Taylor greets Eric for the first time since returning to Los Angeles, and Brooke makes a confession to Finn.