Last Call: Bold & Beautiful’s Tom Is Poisoned — But by Whom… and Why?!?
Last Call: Bold & Beautiful’s Tom Is Poisoned — But by Whom… and Why?!?

See, people? This is why you always wanna keep an eye on your drink! In the June 29 episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, Tom let his especially colorful cocktail out of his sight, and what happened? Somebody went and messed with it!
Even as bad at math as we are, we can put two and two together and guess that his death will be the one that sparks the mystery that the show teased was coming. (He wasn’t breathing by the episode’s conclusion.) So that begs the question of whodunit and why? Poppy would have the most obvious motive, what with Tom threatening to shatter her new family portrait with Bill and Luna.
But there’s no way that the soap randomly had two long-MIA characters just happen to turn up. If Justin had any inkling that Tom was Luna’s father, he could’ve drugged the formerly homeless singer in order to blackmail Poppy for a fortune with the devastating intel.
As for Jack, perhaps he’s Luna’s father after all and doesn’t want to further ruin his life by letting this reminder of his long-ago hookup with Poppy be known. So rather than risk Tom getting a second DNA test run and opening that whole can of worms again, he killed the guy to let Bill remain blissfully unaware that he isn’t Luna’s dad.
Li also could have done the deed, for much the same reason. Poppy may infuriate her sister, but she’d rather leave her with Bill than have it come out that Jack or, worse, Finn is Luna’s father!