Days of Our Lives

Jada Gets a Break in Sarah’s Hit-and-Run Case as Brady Makes Two Panic-Inducing Discoveries

Jada Gets a Break in Sarah’s Hit-and-Run Case as Brady Makes Two Panic-Inducing Discoveries

At the police commissioner's desk, Paulina gapes over Jada's shoulder as they stare at a laptop

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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Brady stress reads an online article about Sarah’s hit and run. Kristen calls to cancel his plans with Rachel because his car color matches the one that hit Sarah. He tells her to keep her crazy theories to herself and slams his phone.

As Fiona watches baby Victoria at the apartment, Fiona says she’s so sorry for what she did to her mother. She knows Xander will never forgive her if he finds out she was the driver who hit Sarah. She prays no one ever finds out it was Brady’s car, but if they do, at least they won’t know she was driving it.

In her hospital room, Sarah tries to calm an anxious Xander, who wonders where the doctor is with her test results. She tells him they just need to wait and asks him to go home and check on Victoria. She assures him she’ll be fine.

Johnny and Abe stand over Chanel and Alex's table in the Horton Square. They all wear unsure expressions

Johnny and Abe find Alex and Chanel arguing in the Square. Abe takes note of their fire while Johnny goes into protective mode. Chanel tells her husband they’re fine and cozies up to him. Alex rolls his eyes and leaves. Johnny asks what that was all about. Abe departs as Chanel explains to Johnny they were arguing over Allie. She assures him she isn’t upset over his sister. She knows she is with the person she is supposed to be with. Alex just needs to realize that after his betrayal, they’ll never be friends.

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Appeased, Johnny tells her about the new character they are bringing to Body and Soul, who she’d be perfect for. Chanel points out she has no acting experience. Plus, working with romantic partners hasn’t exactly worked out for her in the past. Trying another tactic, Johnny kisses her. They could do that all day long, anytime they wanted, if they worked on set together. She agrees to audition.

Johnny and Chanel face each other while sitting on the Horton Square bench

Abe catches up to Alex outside the Pub to ask if he’d ever thought of being an actor. Alex hasn’t, but Abe thinks he’s perfect for a role on his and Kate’s soap. Alex notes he does have the time now that his marriage is over and he’s no longer CEO of Titan. Abe warns that if he’s cast, he’d be playing opposite Chanel. Alex doesn’t think Johnny or Chanel will go for it, but Abe says he’ll handle them. Alex agrees to audition.

Paulina comes to Jada’s office as she fruitlessly combs footage from the night of Sarah’s accident. She’s not optimistic they’ll find out who did it. Jada then receives deleted footage Saxton’s department store retrieved from the night of the hit and run.

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Sarah wakes up in her hospital room to Maggie sitting at her bedside. They tear up as they discuss how it’ll take a village to get her through this. Sarah calls it a blessing that even Fiona is there to help. She knows she has hard work ahead of her, but she plans to walk out of there no matter how long it takes. But if that’s not the plan for her, she will live a full and complete life. She’s very lucky to have a supportive mom, a husband she loves with her whole heart, and a daughter who’s a miracle. Sarah won’t let a hit-and-run driver rob her of a future with her family.

In the parking garage, Brady inspects his car and finds scraped paint on the front bumper. He recalls hearing squealing tires. “Oh, God no,” he says, freaking out.

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As Fiona tries to soothe a fussy Victoria in her stroller, she notes the baby doesn’t understand a word she’s saying, which is good since she’ll be able to keep her secret. Xander comes home wondering what secret. Fiona says she was thinking of getting a picture of Victoria to Sarah. Xander calls that really thoughtful and relays that Sarah has lost feeling in her legs. When he leaves to take Victoria to Sarah, Fiona gets a call from Brady. He needs to see her — right now.

At the hospital, Maggie comforts Sarah as she cries over her situation. The worst part is being away from her daughter because they don’t allow babies in there. “Don’t allow what?” Xander says, entering with Victoria. He explains he pulled some strings and greased some wheels, which is his specialty. After Sarah spends time with Victoria, Maggie leaves to take the baby home. Sarah winces in pain as Kayla enters with her test results.

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When Fiona comes to the townhouse, Brady tells her he remembers screeching tires. He also knows Sarah was hit by a grey car. “I’m afraid it could have been me!” Urging him to calm down, Fiona dismisses his concerns about the scratch on his car. Plus, Sarah didn’t see the driver and can’t remember anything. Brady worries he caused the whole thing, but Fiona assures him Sarah’s doctors are hopeful. “Hopeful?!” Brady demands to know what she means by that. Fiona tries to downplay the numbness in Sarah’s legs, but Brady’s panic intensifies. “I got to turn myself in!”

Johnny comes to the soap office to tell Abe that Chanel has agreed to audition. Abe thinks he has found the perfect actor to play opposite her. Meanwhile, Chanel and Alex separately read their audition sides on their phones. They recite lines involving characters named Faith, Charity, and Arrow (“Arrow?!”), evil twins triplets, and sleeping with someone’s stepmother. Alex rolls his eyes while Chanel can’t wait to find out what happens next.

With a quizzical expression, Alex looks at his phone outside the Pub

At the station, Jada finds footage of the grey car hitting Sarah. Paulina watches with her, but they can’t make out the make and model. Playing it frame by frame, Jada gasps. “I think we just broke this case wide open!” she declares upon finding a partial license plate.

Brady brings Fiona to the parking garage to get her opinion on his car’s scrape. But when they get there, the car is gone.

At the hospital, Kayla tells Sarah there’s evidence of spinal cord ischemia — a form of a stroke in the spinal cord, not the brain. Sarah tearfully explains to Xander that the damage to the nerves is probably irreversible, and she may never regain sensation. She cries on his shoulder.

In her hospital bed, Sarah cries while leaning her head on Xander's shoulder

Next, on Days of Our Lives, Chad opens up to Julie, and EJ reintroduces himself to Abigail.

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