General Hospital

Michael and Nina Strike a New Deal — and Sonny Targets Cates After Learning the Truth About Jason

Michael and Nina Strike a New Deal — and Sonny Targets Cates After Learning the Truth About Jason

Sonny goes after Cates GH

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Nina arrives at Crimson and finds out from her assistant Madison that she had to cancel her meeting with Erica Kane and Enchantment. Nina is stunned, saying how difficult Erica is to get a meeting with and why Madison would risk her wrath by backing out at the last minute. Nina walks into her office and finds Michael sitting in her chair. He says, “Because your boss needs to speak to you.” Nina lets Michael know when an angry Erica calls, she’ll forward her to him. He says, “Fair enough.”

Michael needs Nina's help GH

Michael gets straight to the point and tells Nina he needs her help. He understands Nina has a connection with Congressman McConkey. Nina says her father did, but Tracy and Monica also have connections with him. Michael notes Monica’s health is poor, and he doesn’t want to involve Tracy, so he needs her to arrange a meeting with him. When she asks why, Michael initially won’t say. Nina realizes this is personal and needs more information before she can help him. Michael admits he needs the Congressman to help his mother.

Nina makes a deal GH

Michael fills her in on what happened with Carly, and McConkey is on the House oversight committee and can put pressure on a rogue FBI agent. Nina says this sounds very Watergate-ish, but he says it’s only illegal if money exchanges hands, and this is just a request. Nina asks if he’s willing to be labeled a co-conspirator with her in possibly breaking the law to save Carly.

Michael and Nina deal

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Michael reminds Nina that Carly is only in this situation because of what happened in Nixon Falls, which is all on her. Nina says if she does this, will they finally be square? Michael promises that when his mother goes free, Willow will know she is responsible for saving Carly. Nina says he knows how to sweeten the deal, but if she does this, she wants peace with him as well. She is sick of the ugliness between them. Michael says getting a meeting with McConkey will be a good start at putting the past behind them. Nina points out that if this gets out, it would end Drew’s campaign and tarnish McConkey’s legacy. Michael says this is just a conversation they are discussing and asks if they have a deal.

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Nina says they have a deal and calls McConkey’s personal cell. She tells him that she’ll be in DC next week and thought about meeting him for lunch. When he agrees, she says she’s bringing a friend he’ll find interesting, and she knows he’ll love him.

At her place, Kristina meets with Molly and gushes about the warm reception she’s getting from people online after the interview with Perez. She asks Molly what she thought of the interview. Molly says she heard the responses have been very good, and many people found her sympathetic. Kristina finds her choice of words odd. Molly says TJ had some thoughts, and Kristina asks what his problem is now. Molly won’t speak for TJ, but to quell his concerns, she has brought papers for her to sign, which terminate her parental rights to this child.

Molly and Kristina GH

Kristina can’t believe this is her response to her pouring her heart out on TV. Molly notes she was always going to have to sign these papers and terminate her rights, and she’s about to give birth, so why not sign the papers now while things are still calm?

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Molly says they agreed on this, so she has to sign the papers. Kristina doesn’t think it’s the right time as there are issues that are at play now that weren’t when they agreed to this. Kristina argues that things are rocky between her and TJ, and what if they break up? Molly states that isn’t going to happen, but Kristina says all they do is fight lately. Molly yells they are fighting over her, and couples fight and makeup, but Kristina wouldn’t know that. Molly snides that all Kristina has is a string of failed relationships with men, a crush on a teacher she pushed away, and a fling with a woman in the closet until her mother outed her. Molly tells Kristina she is so not equipped to be a mother.

Molly Kristina Fight GH

Kristina can’t believe what her sister thinks of her. Molly says she’ll think better of her once she signs the papers. Kristina won’t because she can’t do this until she knows Molly and TJ are going to make it. Molly accuses Kristina of wanting to keep this baby all along. Kristina admits maybe she and Ali could provide a more stable home for this child right now.

Molly insults Kristina GH

Suddenly, they are interrupted when Natalia knocks on the door. She wonders if this is a bad time. Molly says she is leaving and storms out, leaving the papers behind.

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Natalia asks if Alison is here, but Kristina says she is out with Brook Lynn. Natalia wanted to talk to them both, but she came by because… She notes, “Saying Thank You falls very short.” Natalia says what Kristina said on TV was very generous. Kristina doesn’t believe in limiting people’s right to speech, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions as long as they don’t legally affect her or others. Natalia notes Kristina’s live and let live stance is one she holds dear, and she needs to improve applying it to her life. Kristina tells Natalia she is entitled to her thoughts and opinions, but she doesn’t have to like them. Natalia says that is fair, and she admires Kristina’s principles and what she said.

Natalia comes to apologize GH

In Anna’s office, Dante tells Anna that Sonny is downstairs if she wants to see him. Anna has more pressing matters on hand. She tells him that Jack Brennan has disappeared from Pentonville, and it’s as if he was never there. All records of Brennan’s association with Pentonville have vanished. She hands him a file on Brennan and says the PCPD’s records have also been purged. Dante asks who has the power to do this.

Dante and Anna discuss Brennan GH

Anna suspects the WSB and that Brennan must know something they don’t want him speaking out about. Dante says there must be records of his time at GH, and he can look for them. However, this guy is the WSB’s problem, so why does the PCPD care about him? Anna explains that Cates has used leverage over Carly to force Jason to work for him in taking down Pikeman. Cates also admitted Brennan may have leverage over him and the FBI, and she wants to know what Brennan means to the FBI.

Anna wants Answers GH ABC

A handcuffed Carly finds Sonny waiting for her in the PCPD interrogation room. Sonny asks the officer to uncuff her as she’s not going anywhere and she’s not violent. The officer removes them but says she’s only here until she’s transferred into federal custody, and the cuffs will have to go back on then. Sonny rants that Jagger’s gone too far. Carly tells him to let Diane handle this. Sonny asks what is going on and why she has been arrested. Carly tells him, “Because you died, and I took your place.” Carly explains the details of her and Jason stepping up to protect the family when he was thought to be dead, and that the FBI has a recording of her saying she was taking over for Sonny. She admits Cates used the recording to force Jason to work for him to keep her out of jail, and that’s why he’s been gone for the past two years.

Carly in jail GH

Carly explains Jason was being sent on another assignment, and she promised not to turn herself in to save him. However, when she saw Cates in the lobby, she lost it when he took a jab at Jason. Sonny asks how long she’s known about this. Carly admits she found out about the recording a month ago. She confirms Diane also knows, and says the odds aren’t in her favor.

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Sonny vents that Jagger isn’t the first to try to take him down, and he won’t let him use her and Jason to destroy him. He yells, “Jagger started with nothing and will die with nothing! No way in hell is he sending my little girl’s mother to prison!”

Sonny storms out, and Carly asks one of the officers to call Dante and get him down here. Dante soon arrives, and Carly tells him that Sonny’s lost it and is going after Cates.

Sonny goes to his office, calls Brick, and asks for a location on Cates. Sonny then takes a gun from a briefcase, loads it, and aims it.

Sonny takes aim GH

In Jason’s apartment, he meets with Diane and wants to give himself up to exonerate Carly. He says he’ll claim he was running the show and Carly was a figurehead. Diane says that’s noble but a waste of time. She says the taped confession is damning, and his confession will only get him charged along with Carly. Plus, it will only strengthen the case against Carly while condemning himself.

Diane and Jason talk GH

Diane can use his help with the case. She plans to paint Carly as a sympathetic mother and argue that she feared for the lives of her children and herself, so she bluffed everything in that meeting to push the crime families away and keep her family safe. Jason knows Diane told Carly her chances of acquittal are only thirty percent. Diane admits they can do better than that, but not by much.

Jason has an idea GH

Diane says Carly will be arraigned today, and she needs him in court, in a suit and tie, and remaining calm and steady by Carly’s side. Jason wonders if they could undercut the case against Carly by tarnishing Cates. Diane says it could work, but Cates is an FBI agent, so they’d have to come up with something substantial to make the jury doubt his integrity. Jason thinks it’s possible. He knows someone who could get information on Cates, and she owes him.

Jason and Cates GH

Later, Cates shows up, and Jason tells him that coming here was a mistake. Cates tells Jason that he has a piece of paper he signed, agreeing to work with him to protect Carly, and that will force him to call Jason as a witness against her. Cates says Carly dug her grave, and Jason will be the one who buries her. However, he reminds Jason there is one way to stop that. Jason refuses another assignment. Cates tells Jason all he has to do is deliver Sonny to him.

Jason and Cates GH

On the next General Hospital: Kristina is ready to make a move and tells Alexis that it has to be now. TJ tells Molly he can’t believe they have to settle this with lawyers. Ava tells someone that she needs to know she can trust them. Carly tells Michael that there is something really important she needs him to do. Sonny tells Dante just because someone’s paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you. Cates tells Jason if he wants to save Carly then he has to give Sonny up.

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